Monday, June 4, 2012

catching up: Purple

This was one of my favorite projects I got to direct for my directing workshop. The assignment was to make a 2 minute non-dialogue film based on the word Purple. So here it is.

catching up: Omar Will Watch Anything

Also, in addition to Hey That's On Netflix Instant Watch on Fridays, we decided to throw in some Wednesday videos. Each Wednesday is going to have something different (as chosen by the Wild Card Wednesdays cards) and the first episode was Omar Will Watch Anything where I watch the worst movies on Netflix and recap/rate them.

This video is about Troll 2.

catching up: Hey! That's on Netflix (Instant Watch)

Agh! I'm almost caught up on this blog!

Before moving out of our old apartment, Mia and I started a series called Hey That's On Netflix Instant Watch. Although we started calling it Top Five Fridays (taken from the earlier series posted on here) at first, we realized that HTON just made more sense. Here are all of the episodes in order.

catching up: mise-en-scene

This was my first assignment for my Directing Workshop I class at UCLA. Our assignment was to shoot a thirty second, static shot that told a story. The focus was on mise-en-scene. I did this. Huge thanks to Mia who helped on the "shoot".

catching up: Roommates vs The Apartment

Again, for my directing class, we were assigned to do a one minute non-dialogue mood piece. I decided to take something from the Scott Pilgrim soundtrack, put it to tedious chores and make something awesome.

Everyone in this did an insanely incredible job.

catching up: Out of Mind Out of Sight

This was shot as a one minute non-dialogue assignment for my directing workshop. My team (the Kubrickians) decided to split up the human senses between the five of us. Obviously, I got sight. Tomi Mendel does a great performance as someone scared to use an eye dropper.

Here are some alternative endings we shot.

catching up: Good News Bad News

This was an assignment to shoot a 2 minute voice over film. We had a different shoot planned but some unexpected issues came up and instead we did this on the fly. Huge props to Minna Kim and Tomi Mendel who were not going to even act in the video but volunteered on the spot.

catching up: Duck Variations

Here is another scene I shot for my directing workshop. Originally a Mamet play, translated through the eyes of college stoners.

catching up: God of Carnage

This was the final I shot for my directing class in the UCLA directing certificate program.

INCREDIBLE performances by Steve Suh, Emily Cipriani, Jesse Bainbridge and Georgina Tolentino.

catching up: Improvability dating video

For the anti-Valentine's Day show my Senior year, we shot a dating video.

Keep in mind, when we shot this, I had JUST come back from the local microbrewery.

catching up: apartment painting

When Mia and I moved into our new apartment (but not current apartment), we thought we'd document the wall painting with over 200 pictures.

So we did and here's the video.

catching up: This Week WTF

So for a while my friend Georgina and I had an ongoing YouTube series where we found the weirdest things in Web, Tech and Film of that week. It was really, really fun to work on but unfortunately we just got way too busy to keep producing the show on a weekly basis. But here are the episodes in order of upload.

By the way, our first video got flagged by Japanese television or something so we have nearly 1,000 hits on that one. And 13 dislikes, haha.

bonus: other Georgina videos

Here are two other videos I got to do with Georgina.